The packaging of the product is shipped to the customer's country.
We have a professional transportation team with rich transportation experience.
About 4.5*9 products, our company can produce, the product weight is 9t, which is the quality that other suppliers can't reach. Regarding 4.5*12 products, currently only our factory can produce them.
If you need to know more about the product, please contact the manager Tom Li, he will solve your query.
WhatsApp: +86 15662503695
The packaging of the product is shipped to the customer's country.
We have a professional transportation team with rich transportation experience.
About 4.5*9 products, our company can produce, the product weight is 9t, which is the quality that other suppliers can't reach. Regarding 4.5*12 products, currently only our factory can produce them.
If you need to know more about the product, please contact the manager Tom Li, he will solve your query.
WhatsApp: +86 15662503695